
Antioxidants, good for your health

You have heard often about the closely relation between antioxidants and good health. But what are they, which is their function and where can you find them?
Let’s start answering these questions.
good health
An antioxidant is a molecule that prohibits the oxidation of other molecules. The oxidation is not good for our body because this chemical reaction produce free radicals. The last ones can damage or cause death to body cells. As a result the risk of many diseases increases like: cancer, diabetes, muscle and tissue degeneration, heart diseases etc.

Everybody is exposed to free radicals for example: in exposure to pollutants, exposure to the sun, the food that you eat, the medicine you take and smoking.  All these are source of free radicals and the role of antioxidants is to stop this chain reaction of oxidation, by neutralizing the free radicals. 
You can obtain antioxidants by foods or supplements. But the first one is the best source. The foods that contain antioxidants are various such as: vegetables, legumes, fruits, eggs, meat, nuts. In fact the fresh and uncooked foods contain higher level of antioxidants, compared with the processed foods.

There are a numerous types of antioxidants, some are compound by Vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids. Some others are not vitamins but are made from amino-acids. 
The Secret is simple: Consume more fresh food, vegetables and fruits.
food with antioxidants
Here you have a short list of foods high in antioxidants:
Raw nuts & seeds
Almonds                                         Kale                                                    Tomatoes
 Berries                                         Chiles                                                    Garlic
Grapes                                          Spinach                                                Green tea
Pomegranate                                Broccoli                                                 Olive oil
Lemon                                           Carrots                                                 Coconut oil
Peppers                                         Dark chocolate                                     Popcorn   

So, pay attention to include in your daily diet these magic foods and you have greater probabilities to live longer, in a healthy way, to be energetic and to have a beautiful appearance. 

It’s time to be healthy Inside & Out! 

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